张吉化,巴黎萨克雷大学和华中科技大学双博士学位,曾在罗切斯特大学和澳大利亚国立大学从事博士后研究。主要从事超表面和集成光子学研究,在相关领域共发表SCI论文50篇,其中第一/或通讯作者论文25篇,含Science Advances 1篇、Light: Science & Applications 1篇、Optica 1篇、Nano Letters 1篇、Advanced Optical Materials 1篇、Photonics Research 1篇和Nanophotonics 2篇,受邀在Advanced Materials和APL Quantum上撰写相关领域的综述论文,另在Nature Photonics和Nature Nanotechnology等知名学术期刊上合作发表论文25篇,国际学术会议口头报告20余次包括6次特邀报告。谷歌学术引用一千二百余次,h因子20,担任Light: Science & Applications、Optica和Laser & Photonics Review等期刊的审稿人。
- 2016.06,巴黎萨克雷大学,物理,博士
- 2016.06,华中科技大学,光学工程,博士
- 2011.06,华中科技大学,光信息科学与技术,学士
- 2024.01-今, 松山湖材料实验室,半导体异质材料与器件中心,研究员
- 2020.01-2023.11,澳大利亚国立大学,物理系,博士后研究员,合作导师:Andrey Sukhorukov,Dragomir Neshev
- 2016.11-2020.01,罗切斯特大学,光学系,博士后,合作导师:Chunlei Guo
- 2016.07-2016.11,中国科学院物理研究所,纳米物理与器件实验室,研究助理,合作导师:张建军
- 非线性超表面
- 超表面
- 集成光子学
- 松山湖材料实验室主任基金,XMYS20230020,半导体异质材料与器件,2023/08-2028/07,2000万,在研,骨干参与
- Australian Research Council,Discovery Project,DP190101559,Optical frequency conversion in nonlinear dielectric metasurfaces,2020/01-2023/12,45万澳元,已结题,联合主持
- Jihua Zhang#,*, Jinyong Ma#, Neuton Li, Shaun Lung, and Andrey A. Sukhorukov*, Single-shot characterization of photon indistinguishability with dielectric metasurfaces, Optica 11(6), 753-758 (2024).
- Jihua Zhang*, and Yuri Kivshar*, Quantum metaphotonics: recent advances and perspective, APL Quantum 1, 020902 (2024).
- Jinyong Ma#,*, Jihua Zhang#,*, Jake Horder#, Andrey A. Sukhorukov, Milos Toth, Dragomir N. Neshev, and Igor Aharonovich*, Engineering Quantum Light Sources with Flat Optics, Advanced Materials 2313589 (2024).
- Ran Wei, Jihua Zhang*, Sohail A. Jalil, Mohamed ElKabbash, and Chunlei Guo*, Ultrathin film optical coatings for all-optical mathematical operations with ultrahigh numerical aperture, Applied Physics Letters 123(25), 251102 (2023).
- Jinyong Ma#,*, Jihua Zhang#, Yuxin Jiang, Tongmiao Fan, Matthew Parry, Dragomir N. Neshev, and Andrey A. Sukhorukov, Polarization Engineering of Entangled Photons from a Lithium Niobate Nonlinear Metasurface, Nano Letters 23(17), 8091-8098 (2023).
- Jihua Zhang#, and Andrey A. Sukhorukov#, Complex structure and efficient characterization of multiphoton split states in integrated circuits, Physical Review A 107(6), 062615 (2023).
- Kwang Jin Lee*, Ran Wei, Ye Wang, Jihua Zhang, Wenchi Kong, Sandeep K. Chamoli, Tao Huang, Weili Yu, Mohamed ElKabbash*, and Chunlei Guo*, Gigantic suppression of recombination rate in 3D lead-halide perovskites for enhanced photodetector performance, Nature Photonics 17, 236-243 (2023).
- Shaun Lung, Jihua Zhang*, Kai Wang, and Andrey A. Sukhorukov, Real-time monitoring of polarization state deviations with dielectric metasurfaces, Advanced Photonics Nexus 2(2), 026003 (2023).
- Jihua Zhang*, Jinyong Ma, Dragomir N. Neshev, and Andrey A. Sukhorukov*, Photon pair generation from lithium niobate metasurface with tunable spatial entanglement [Invited], Chinese Optics Letters 21(1), 010005 (2023). (*Cover Article*)
- Jihua Zhang#, Jinyong Ma#, Matthew Parry, Marcus Cai, Rocio C. Morales, Lei Xu, Dragomir N. Neshev, and Andrey A. Sukhorukov*, Spatially entangled photon pairs from lithium niobate nonlocal metasurfaces, Science Advances 8(30), eabq4240 (2022).
- Mohamed ElKabbash*, Theodore Letsou, Sohail A. Jalil, Nathaniel Hoffman, Jihua Zhang, James Rutledge, Andrew R. Lininger, Chun-Hao Fann, Michael Hinczewski*, Giuseppe Strangi*, and Chunlei Guo*, “Fano-resonant ultrathin film optical coatings”, Nature Nanotechnology 16, 440-446 (2021).
- Yilun Wang, Yong Zhang, Zhibin Jiang, Wentao Deng, De Zhou, Xinyu Huang, Qizhi Yan, Jihua Zhang, Liao Chen, Yu Yu, Xiang Li*, Lei Ye*, and Xinliang Zhang*, Ultra-Compact High-Speed Polarization Division Multiplexing Optical Receiving Chip Enabled by Graphene-on-Plasmonic Slot Waveguide Photodetectors, Advanced Optical Materials 9(6), 2001215 (2021).
- Shaun Lung*, Kai Wang, Khosro Z. Kamali, Jihua Zhang, Mohsen Rahmani, Dragomir N. Neshev, and Andrey A. Sukhorukov*, Complex-birefringent dielectric metasurfaces for arbitrary polarization-pair transformations, ACS Photonics 7(11), 3015–3022 (2020).
- Jihua Zhang, Ran Wei, and Chunlei Guo*, Simultaneous implementation of antireflection and antitransmission through multipolar interference in plasmonic metasurfaces and applications in optical absorbers and broadband polarizers, Nanophotonics 9(15), 4529-4538 (2020).
- Subhash C. Singh, Mohamed ElKabbash, Zilong Li, Xiaohan Li, Bhabesh Regmi, Matthew Madsen, Sohail A. Jalil, Zhibing Zhan, Jihua Zhang, and Chunlei Guo*, Solar-trackable super-wicking black metal panel for photothermal water sanitation, Nature Sustainability 3, 938-946 (2020).
- Chaonan Yao, Yilun Wang, Jihua Zhang*, Xinliang Zhang, Chen Zhao, Bin Wang, Subhash C. Singh*, and Chunlei Guo*, Dielectric nanoaperture metasurfaces in silicon waveguides for efficient and broadband mode conversion with an ultrasmall footprint, Advanced Optical Materials 8(17), 2000529 (2020).
- Jihua Zhang, Ran Wei, Mohamed ElKabbash, E. Michael Campbell, and Chunlei Guo*, Thin-film perfect infrared absorbers over single- and dual-band atmospheric windows, Optics Letters 45(10), 2800-2803 (2020). (*Editor’s Pick*)
- Chun-Hao Fann#, Jihua Zhang#, Mohamed ElKabbash, William R. Donaldson, E. Michael Campbell, and Chunlei Guo*, Broadband infrared plasmonic metamaterial absorber with multipronged absorption mechanisms, Optics Express 27(20), 27917-27926 (2019).
- Jihua Zhang, Mohamed ElKabbash, Ran Wei, Subhash C. Singh, Billy Lam, and Chunlei Guo*, Plasmonic metasurfaces with 42.3% transmission efficiency in the visible, Light: Science & Applications 8, 53 (2019).
- Yizuo He#, Jihua Zhang#, Subhash C. Singh, Erik Garcell, Anatoliy Y. Vorobyev, Billy Lam, Zhibing Zhan, Jianjun Yang, and Chunlei Guo*, Maskless laser nano-lithography of glass through sequential activation of multi-threshold ablation, Applied Physics Letters 114(13), 133107 (2019).
- Chunqi Jin, Jihua Zhang*, and Chunlei Guo*, Metasurface integrated with double-helix point spread function and metalens for three-dimensional imaging, Nanophotonics 8(3), 451-458 (2019).
- Jihua Zhang, Yizuo He, Billy Lam, and Chunlei Guo*, Real-time in situ study of femtosecond-laser-induced periodic structures on metals by linear and nonlinear optics, Optics Express 25(17), 20323-20331 (2017).
- Jihua Zhang, Lei Shi, Yilun Wang, Eric Cassan*, and Xinliang Zhang*, On-chip high-speed optical detection based on an optical rectification scheme in silicon plasmonic platform, Optics Express 22(22), 27504-27514 (2014).
- Jihua Zhang, Eric Cassan*, and Xinliang Zhang*, Enhanced mid-to-near-infrared second harmonic generation in silicon plasmonic microring resonators with low pump power, Photonics Research 2(5), 143-149 (2014).
- Jihua Zhang, Eric Cassan*, and Xinliang Zhang*, Electrically controlled second-harmonic generation in silicon-compatible plasmonic slot waveguides: a new modulation scheme, Optics Letters 39(13), 4001-4004 (2014).
- Jihua Zhang, Eric Cassan, and Xinliang Zhang*, Wideband and Compact TE-Pass/TM-Stop Polarizer Based on a Hybrid Plasmonic Bragg Grating for Silicon Photonics, Journal of Lightwave Technology 32(7), 1383-1386 (2014).
- Jihua Zhang, Eric Cassan*, Dingshan Gao, and Xinliang Zhang*, Highly efficient phase-matched second harmonic generation using an asymmetric plasmonic slot waveguide configuration in hybrid polymer-silicon photonics, Optics Express 21(12), 14876-14887 (2013).
- Jihua Zhang, Eric Cassan*, and Xinliang Zhang, Efficient second harmonic generation from mid-infrared to near-infrared regions in silicon-organic hybrid plasmonic waveguides with small fabrication-error sensitivity and a large bandwidth, Optics Letters 38(12), 2089-2091 (2013).
- Jihua Zhang, Ping Zhao, Eric Cassan, and Xinliang Zhang*, Phase regeneration of phase-shift keying signals in highly nonlinear hybrid plasmonic waveguides, Optics Letters 38(6), 848-850 (2013).